Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dungeon Dice Original Art

By request, we're selling original art from the Dungeon Dice video.  Each piece is signed by the artist, mounted on mat board and suitable for framing.  (I recommend floating glass frames)

The larger pieces are 8.5x7"
The smaller pieces are 6.5x7" (this includes items 3, 5, 11, and 13)

The cost of these pieces may be added to your Kickstarter pledge.  However, we only have one of each, so we will sell them first come first serve.  If you are interested in a piece, send us a message on Kickstarter, or to and we will reserve the item for you.

Items begin at $120.  The price will decrease as the more popular items are claimed.  So if there is a specific piece you would like, you'll need to reserve it now.

(By the way, item 3 is a monster eating the king's children.  It didn't make the final cut of the video.)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

All Monsters Unlocked!

...and with a couple extra to boot.  This means the monster set is complete.  It looks like our poll malfunctioned, but the clear winners were Kickstarter Exclusive dice, followed by more variety in treasures, experience trackers, artifacts, and then spells.

We're making stretch goals for ALL of these.  They should be posted by Monday (May 6).

Saturday, April 27, 2013

3d Dice Renderings

If you haven't checked it out on the project home page, we've added some 3d renderings kindly created by one of our backers.  It really adds life to the game.  Honestly, it makes me want a copy more...

Dungeon Dice Rolling Along...

We're adding new dice pretty regularly.  In addition, we're arranging for a featured contest with Board Game Geek, which will start May 6th.  A healthy 20 days before the project ends.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

And the winners are...

Hey, we're ready to announce the winners for quick backing the project!  The following backers have each won a free game:

Miles Matton
Bryan Emerson


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


(Exclusively for Backers of the First Kickstarter Project)
    Right.  Who still wants a free copy of Dungeon Dice?  We're gearing up for the relaunch on April 15th, setting up advertising and contests.  We're announcing a contest just for those of you who backed the original project.  Because we love you.
    Here's how it will work.  We want to encourage Backers to switch over to the new project as quickly as possible.  To that end, we will give away copies of the full game (with all stretch goals, delivered to your door) to three lucky backers who switch to the new project on the first 3 days of launch.  That's April 15th, 16th, and 17th.  (We'll throw in the 18th in case of time zone differences)
    Mark those dates!
    Here's how it will work.  On the 18th, we will randomly select three names among backers of the NEW project.  We will check to see if those names were backers of the ORIGINAL project.  If so, you win a game. 
    No matter what, we will give three games away.  So we may have to put names back and draw again, until we have three qualified winners. 
    This contest will be run through the Potluck Games site, and NOT through Kickstarter (which is forbidden).  This is a minor technicality which is unlikely to cause confusion.  One way or another, we will contact the winners and post them on this site.
    We're excited at all the interest we've seen so far.  Happy backing!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Free Game Give-Aways

Time for our first round of free games.  The following games go to backers of the original Kickstarter project for your help and suggestions with online playtesting.  Enjoy!
You will each receive a free game with all stretch goals included, shipped free to your home. 
The first winners are as follows: 
We will be giving away several more free games.  A few will be randomly awarded to backers who switch over to the new project within the first three days of the relaunch.  That's from April 15th through the 17th.
We will have at least one other contest open to anyone, with a couple games at stake.  So keep checking out the blog for more details.  If you are on our e-mail list, you should receive this information by e-mail with plenty of time to act.
Thanks again,
Sam Coates
Potluck Games