Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Free Game Give-Aways

Time for our first round of free games.  The following games go to backers of the original Kickstarter project for your help and suggestions with online playtesting.  Enjoy!
You will each receive a free game with all stretch goals included, shipped free to your home. 
The first winners are as follows: 
We will be giving away several more free games.  A few will be randomly awarded to backers who switch over to the new project within the first three days of the relaunch.  That's from April 15th through the 17th.
We will have at least one other contest open to anyone, with a couple games at stake.  So keep checking out the blog for more details.  If you are on our e-mail list, you should receive this information by e-mail with plenty of time to act.
Thanks again,
Sam Coates
Potluck Games

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